How to Harness Desire in Sales

Desire is a powerful emotion that can drive people to take action.

In the context of sales, desire can be used to motivate people to make a purchase.

By creating a sense of desire for a product or service, sales professionals can encourage customers to take the next step and make a purchase.

Let’s talk about the utilization of desire in the sales process and the different methods that sales teams can use to take advantage of this feeling.

Creating Desire For Your Product With Storytelling

One way to make your product more appealing to potential customers is by using storytelling.

Telling a story about how your product has helped others in the past can create a desire for potential customers to want to experience the same results.

By personalizing your stories and making them relatable, sales leaders can increase the chances of turning prospects into paying customers.

Stories can be used to paint a picture in the customer’s mind of how the product or service will enhance their life, increasing its perceived value.

By sparking the customer’s imagination sales leaders can help them envision themselves using and enjoying the product.

The Desire For Exclusivity

Scarcity can be a very effective way to increase desire and encourage people to take action.

By making something rare or limited in supply, sales managers can create a sense of urgency that motivates people to want it more.

Additionally, scarcity can also add value to an item, making it more desirable.

When a product or service is in short supply or is only available for a limited time, it can create a sense of urgency and increase the customer’s desire to make a purchase.

This can be achieved through the use of limited-time offers, countdown timers, and other tactics in your sales process that create a sense of urgency.

In addition to focusing on the features of the product or service, another effective technique for your sales process is to focus on the benefits and value of the product or service.

This can help potential customers see how your product or service can improve their life, and make them more likely to purchase it.

Linking Your Customer’s Wants to Yourself and Your Service

In addition to using these techniques, sales teams can also use emotional appeals to tap into desire.

This can be done by showing the customer how the product will make them feel and how it can improve their life.

By doing this, customers are more likely to want to buy the product.

This can involve using language and imagery that evokes positive emotions and helps the customer feel good about making a purchase.

For example, a sales team might include words and phrases that appeal to the customer’s sense of adventure, luxury, or relaxation in their sales process to increase their desire for the product or service.


Awareness of the customer’s needs and desires is also important for every sales team.

It’s a matter of teaching salespeople to be able to understand what the customer wants and deliver on that.

This way, the customer feels like they are getting what they need and are more likely to be satisfied with the purchase.

By asking questions and listening actively, a sales team can get a sense of what the customer is looking for and tailor their sales process to meet those needs.

By showing the customer that the product or service can fulfill their desires and solve their problems, the sales team can increase the customer’s desire to make a purchase by emphasizing its perceived value.

Sharing Social Proof Through Stories

Finally, a sales team can use social proof to tap into the desire of potential customers.

By finding and sharing stories of other people who have purchased and used the product successfully, salespeople can create a sense of desire in potential customers.

When potential customers see that others like them have been able to purchase and use the product successfully, they will be more likely to want to do the same, leading to more sales.

When customers see others using and enjoying a product or service, it can increase their desire to experience it for themselves.

This can be achieved through the use of customer testimonials, reviews, and other forms of social proof as part of your sales process.

In conclusion, desire is a powerful emotion that can play a significant role in the sales process.

By using techniques such as storytelling, scarcity, highlighting benefits and perceived value, emotional appeals, understanding customer needs, and leveraging social proof… successful salespeople can tap into this emotion and increase the likelihood of making more sales.

Preempting Objections by Influencing the Emotional State of Your Client

This is all very well, but how are these things applied in practice?

How do sales leaders get in a position where these things are even possible in order to boost sales?

The more you can influence the emotions of your prospects, the better off you’ll be.

It’s important to quickly get in a position where you’re controlling the emotional state in a prospect.

By doing so, you’ll be able to increase your chances of making a sale significantly.

If I’m talking to you and you’re experiencing doubt or skepticism:

  • “What are your credentials?”;
  • “Who are you?”;
  • “How long have you been a marketing consultant and tell me the top Fortune 500 companies you’ve helped make millions of dollars? Or I’m not interested” …

You know, that’s intimidating for a lot of people who are selling, no matter how much sales training they’ve had.

You know, it’s like “How do I get past this?”

Well, one of the best ways to get past these objections is to address them before they even come up.

Don’t even worry about getting past it to start with, take control before it ever arises.

When you’re dealing with professionals who have a busy schedule, you have to move in fast and take control.

At the very start of your sales process, you need to do something which elicits in them such strong feelings of being convinced–such powerful thoughts that what you have they want–that they go right along with what you have to say.

In other words, make them think what you want them to think, and feel what you want them to feel.

Do this and soon you will be able to influence their mind and emotions.

The Dale Carnegie method of sales training just reverses the process; they bake it backwards when teaching salespeople.

They say that if you feel convinced, you will feel desire.

I say that’s absolutely wrong.

If you feel desire, you will be convinced.

Emotion Drives Sales: Making Them Want It

So we have to get them to want it first.

We have to create an emotional desire within them so that they feel the need to have it.

This is not new technology, what I’m saying right now. Everyone is taught in basic sales training that the sale comes from the emotion first and is backed up logically. Sales success always comes from emotion.

Customers make buying decisions based on how they feel in the vast majority of cases, and then they use logic to justify their decision.

Even if you’re logical … I’ve done this hundreds of times.

I could take the most logical person reading this and show you how even your decisions are really based on emotion, and then use logic to support those emotions.

Logic is used to back up what we really want emotionally.

Now I’m going to show you how to use ‘logic’ to really get someone to go along with what you’re saying, even though it really may not be logical.

It sounds logical, though. And in their minds, it engages the emotional sense of “I want this”, then gives them a way to logically buy what you’re doing.

And that’s it, you’re on your way to sales success.

Using Language to Elicit Desire

What this is called in a technical term is ‘psycho-linguistics’, but other words we might use for it now are ‘invisible persuasion’.

Psycho-linguistics is the study of how language affects our thoughts and emotions.

By understanding how psycho-linguistics works, we can learn how to use language to persuasive effect as part of our sales process and increase sales.

But psycho-linguistics is what this really is.

In other words, neurology is the hard-wired stuff.

It’s your central nervous system, composed of your brain and spinal cord. This system is responsible for transmitting information throughout your body, and it controls nearly all of your bodily functions.

And our entry with a prospect is not through their central nervous system (unless you’re a surgeon).

That’s not the entry road into the process.

The way into someone’s mind and emotions is through the use of words.

Words can be used to persuade, to coerce, or to simply express what someone is feeling.

No matter what the purpose is, words are always the key to getting inside another person.

Simply Tell Your Customer What You Want Them to Feel

So what we’re doing in our sales process is we’re using words.

I’ve heard this called ‘voodoo semantics’.

Everything is semantics.

Semantics is the study of meaning, and everything has meaning.

Therefore, everything is semantics.

The way you use your words is the way people perceive you.

In fact, one of the basic rules is that the results I’m getting from you as I’m talking are what my words mean.

So if you’re excited, the meaning of what I’m saying to you is excitement. If you’re happy, the meaning is happiness.

If you are not impressed, the meaning is not impressed.

Ideo-sensory language: tell them what you want them to feel, what you want them to see, and most specifically, what you want them to do. Literally just tell them what they are going to experience, how they are going to feel … and they will.

For example:

“I want you to stop! … and get excited. I want you to link that to what I’m going to be doing, because as you watch this process unfold today, as you get the information I’m going to give you … you’re going to be blown away. I promise you.”

Remember, the process is always to start where they are and then build like crazy towards where you want to go.

But whatever that is – if you can identify it, you can begin to change it if you so choose. Simply by telling them how it’s changing and how they’re feeling.

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