Unlock More Sales with Rhythmic Speaking

Rhythmic Speaking Can Make You More Sales

I’ve posted a couple of previous articles on the subject of rhythmic speaking and there’ll be more to come. For this present articles, let’s get into more details, because this use of speech and language is one of those skills that is going to require a whole lot of effort and work over time. 

You’re not going to probably get this speech perception right off the bat. Not at the level I want you to. Not if you’re also going to be able to maintain awareness of the other things that are important at the same time. 

Rhythmic Speaking Is Like Learning To Walk

What I want is for this to be kind of like walking. At first, you are going to teeter and totter around with your speech rhythm, and stumble about a little bit, and fall, and all those kinds of things. 

But pretty soon you’re going to be able to walk without too much difficulty and, before you know it, you’re running down the road and you don’t even give a second thought to walking. 

So that’s the way speaking to a beat is going to be; and to that end I want you to drill this beat into your brain and I mean really drill it into your brain. Listen to it all the time whenever you can, till your rhythm perception becomes acute. 

So, for me, I can hear this beat all the time in my brain. All I have to do is focus on it for a second and I can immediately begin hearing it. It’s a bit like musical rhythm perception, when a song gets lodged in your head. 

Read To The Beat Of The Metronome 

Another trick to learning this is to read to the beat of the metronome.

So, just open a book and start reading aloud and get to the point where you can read really smoothly as the metronome is playing, your speech signal matching the ticks. 

Remember, you don’t have to stop on each beat. You can let several beats go by and you can also just sort of pause a little at each of the beats or a few of the beats, or you can also adjust your tone when the beat happens. You can accent it a bit or you can deepen it a bit. There are all kinds of things you can do. These will all be picked up on a deep level by the neural mechanisms governing human auditory perception and speech processing. 

So when you’re talking along and the metronome is beating, you’re sort of adjusting your tone to be pretty much in alignment with what the metronome is doing in order to enhance rhythmic speech production. 

What Are We Learning Rhythmic Speaking For? Why Is It Used? 

And the idea is that you can jump into this at a moment’s notice. You may be asking at this point, why are we going to do this and what in the heck are we spending time learning this for? Well, I’ll tell you… 

Have you ever seen a televangelist deliver their sermon? Have you? This brings me to another part of the homework for this article and that is I want you to tune in to a televangelist and watch them. And it should be the more impassioned kind of televangelist when they’re really into their speaking, that’s all the better still. 

These are the people that are speaking with great passion about whatever they’re talking about and I want you just to listen to those speech stimuli because it’ll really, really teach you how to do this because they’re great at it. I think, by nature, they’re good at it. 

Learning Through Observation

You’re going to hear some other interesting things when you watch them or listen to them and that is repetition in three, which I explored a bit more deeply in its own right in a previous article. 

By the way, let me make it very clear as I bring up these example: I want you to know that I’m doing so with huge respect. I’m not making value judgments about any group or anyone. It’s not about value judgments. It’s about observation and it’s about learning how to deal with human nature more effectively and to become more persuasive by understanding the brain networks underlying speech. 

Expressing Emotion In Both Words A Action

I was watching one who began to read from Scripture. He was reading something that expressed emotions. Something in the Bible that expressed emotions. This isn’t an exact quote, but he was saying something like, “and Jesus seeing the crowd was joyful”, and he smiled as he said it. 

And so, he expressed the emotion very fully in his voice and very much in beat. Always in a rhythm and I want you to watch out for this and train your rhythmic speech perception to grasp it.. 

What Are They Doing, And What Does It Do? 

I want you to listen for and see what they’re doing and I’m going to tell you what it does. Now they might explain it in all sorts of ways – all of which can be accurate. If you were to ask a minister why they do that, they may say, “Well, I’m not aware of doing it,” and they may not be and yet they’re very clearly doing it and on some level they’re understanding the neural mechanisms underlying rhythm. 

They may also say, “Well, I just feel the Lord and I speak with the power of his passion,” or something. However they want to explain it is fine. It might just be some speech comprehension they’ve inherited by listening to the elders in their church doing the same thing. They’ve learned that over many years of doing what they do, 

But ultimately, when you think about it, what’s a minister or pastor or priest or elder’s job in front of a crowd when they’re giving a sermon or speech like that? It’s to influence the crowd. 

Opening Your Listener’s Mind To Be Influenced And Persuaded

You call it influence, you call it sharing, whatever. Again, I’m not making value judgments. I’m teaching you how to persuade. 

And so as they do this, what they’re really doing is they’re opening your mind. They’re setting aside your habitual frame of reference. 

Let me say that again because it’s really important.

They’re setting aside your habitual frame of reference and they’re causing you to think in a different way, to enter a different state, a different emotional state. So you hear them with new ears. 

That’s why they do this and that’s why I want you to learn to do this and all you have to do is practice and you’re going to be blown away at what this will do for you as we’ll discover, as we continue through our articles. It actually alters your state. 

Examples Of Rhythmic Speech Patterns Used By Preachers and Salespeople

Television preachers and salespeople often use rhythmic speech patterns to deliver their sermons and engage their audience. Rhythmic speech patterns involve the use of repetition, cadence, and tempo to create a rhythm that draws the listener in and captures their attention. 

Here are some examples of the kinds of things to listen out for and take note of when doing your homework and listening to some of those television preachers. 

Use Of Repetition

One of the most common ways that television preachers and salespeople use rhythmic speech patterns is through repetition. Repetition involves the repeated use of words, phrases, or ideas to reinforce the message and create a sense of emphasis. By repeating key phrases, preachers and salespeople can make their message more memorable and impactful. 

For example, a preacher or salesperson might repeat the phrase “God is good” throughout their sermon to emphasize the goodness of God and create a sense of trust with the audience. 

Repetition can also be used to create a sense of urgency, such as when a preacher repeatedly urges viewers to take action. 

Use Of Cadence

Television preachers also use cadence as a rhythmic speech pattern. Cadence involves the use of a consistent pattern of rhythm, such as a regular beat or pace, to create a sense of flow and momentum. 

By using a consistent cadence, preachers and salespeople can create a sense of energy and excitement that draws the audience in and keeps them engaged. 

For example, a preacher or salesperson might use a consistent cadence when reciting a prayer or reading from the Bible to create a sense of reverence and respect for the sacred text. 

Cadence can also be used to create a sense of urgency or anticipation, such as when a preacher gradually increases the pace and intensity of their speech to build up to a powerful conclusion. 

Use Of Tempo

Television preachers also use tempo as a rhythmic speech pattern. Tempo involves the speed at which the preacher speaks, and it can be used to create a sense of urgency, excitement, or calmness. By adjusting the tempo of their speech, preachers and salespeople can create a specific mood or emotion in their audience. 

For example, a preacher might use a slower tempo when discussing a difficult or emotional topic to create a sense of calmness and introspection. Alternatively, a preacher or salesperson might use a faster tempo when discussing an exciting or joyful topic to create a sense of energy and enthusiasm. 

Use Of Intonation

Another rhythmic speech pattern used by television preachers is intonation. Intonation involves the use of variations in pitch, tone, and volume to create a sense of emotion and emphasis. By using intonation, preachers and salespeople can convey their message in a way that captures the listener’s attention and draws them in. 

For example, a preacher or salesperson might use a low, somber tone when discussing sin and repentance to create a sense of seriousness and introspection. Alternatively, a preacher might use a high, joyful tone when discussing the blessings of God to create a sense of excitement and celebration. 

Lessons To Learn As Persuaders

In conclusion, television preachers and salespeople use a variety of rhythmic speech patterns to engage their audience and deliver their message effectively. Repetition, cadence, tempo, and intonation are all effective ways that preachers use to convey their message in a way that captures the listener’s attention and draws them in. 

By using rhythmic speech patterns effectively, television preachers can make their sermons more impactful, memorable and persuasive, and ultimately help to spread their message to a wider audience. 

I’m sure you can see how powerful these skills are and how we can apply them in a sales persuasion context with equal effect to unlock more sales.

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